Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Long time, no post!

So, what to do when you have a cold and you can't breath and you can't sleep? Catch up on blogging. It's been months since I've posted last and a lot has gone on. Unfortunately, a lot has gone on and left no time for any posts. Since it's almost 2 am and I have already cleaned my house, except for vacuuming, cause everyone else is sleeping of course and done laundry, I might as well tend to other things I have neglected, but for a much longer time. It will be easier just to post pictures by date and comment on them individually rather than talk about everything we did these past 4 months and then post the photos, so here goes:

At the end of April was the Spring Festival at Miles' Elementary school. Lots of carnival games and some smaller rides. The kids got their hair painted and had fun smashing confetti eggs on each other's heads.

In May, Miles had field day at his school. The kids had a great time, and it was just starting to get hot:

On his way to his first spring soccer game:

Breakfast at our favorite Saturday morning place after soccer:

Avery's class had a field trip to Little Beakers for science experiments:

Avery got picked to be the volunteer:

Messy day at her preschool:

Last day of school:

Spring 2015 soccer picture:

Miles won the hardest worker award for his 3rd grade class and got his certificate for getting all straight A's again this year: 

Last day of school party:

Miles and his 3rd grade GT teacher, Ms. O'donnell:

My team had an end of the year banquet. These are the great coaches I work along side everyday!

Don't know how much longer I will find Avery falling asleep in random places, so I have to grab snapshots when she does:

We took a family vacation to Galveston this summer. We had a fabulous time. Wouldn't recommend the beaches there, not at all like FL, but what a cool town. A lot like a cross between New Port and New much fun!!

There are all these amazing trees that were destroyed during the flood that local artists were commissioned to carve into sculptures. The sun was setting on this one, but it is a flock of herons: 

We went to Moody Gardens while in Galveston and they had an aquarium:

Mermaid sculpture:

Kids goofing around at dinner:

We toured a few of the historic mansions:

Not sure when this was, but I think it was to send to some friends who sent us the same pic saying hi:

Always want to document the times over the summer when the kids were actually being good:)

Miles and his friends, couldn't help but crack up at how they all sat playing games:

Rescued this little bird that fell out of our birdhouse in our backyard. It was in the grass and I'm lucky I saw it before I stepped on it. Actually turned out to be another one down there too. Tried to put them back in, but the house was so full of nesting that the birds kept rolling back out. I called an emergency vet, who gave me the number of an amazing lady that turned out to live a few minutes from us. She told me to bring the birds and the house over to her and she would see what she could do. I asked her if she thought they would survive and she said yes, they were young, but very healthy. She asked to keep the house and birds over night in her incubator, and her husband would clean out the house and fix it up for them. Turns out there were two more baby birds in the house. She brought it back the next day and told me to keep an eye out for the parents and make sure they came back. They came back like nothing every happened and took good care of the babies for the next few weeks. I peeked in the house one day and they all had feathers and their eyes open and later that week I checked on them and there were only two left. About a week later I looked in and all the baby sparrows were gone. Every one grew up and flew off. So happy it all turned out well!

More randomly sleeping Avery pics:

Took on a big project and had our house painted this summer. It looks so much brighter. Went for a simple beige with white trim, but it is a thousand times better than the pink/mauve it used to be.

Miles and his older friend Idhant at chess camp:

First day of school is next week, so more pictures hopefully coming soon!

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