Monday, October 8, 2007

New Video Clips

We went to the beach on Sunday and Miles had a great time. He wasn't as grumpy as the last time we went, so we all enjoyed it a lot more.

We didn't come prepared to go in the water with suits and all because Miles disliked it so much we didn't think he'd want to go again. We planned a nice day of just walking in and out of all the little shops, but in the end we thought we'd give it another go.

Miles ran all over the place and Chris chased him while I lugged the stroller, pseudo-diaper bag, and camera case and tried to shoot some video. We even had a woman ask if we wanted her to take a picture of all three of us, because we looked like we were on vacation apparently.

Miles had so much fun this time around. He loved picking up seashells and tossing them back in the water. He even ran up onto the sand and tried to sit in peoples beach chairs. The water was really warm and it was HOT out!!!!