Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Picture Update - Halloween and Stuff

Halloween at one of my gymnasts' families house and neighborhood.
Gymnasts and their siblings and Avery - Pikachu in front yellow and Miles - Steve from Minecraft - back row, big box head and sword.

Avery and Jess:

Avery at her friends' Casey and Sydney's birthday party:

Miles got an invitation from the Duke TIP program (talent identification program) for a very high score on a state standardized test in Math. We are very proud of him.

Selfies from the Peter Pan Live show:

Proud mommy moments from the kids' teachers:

 Don't share much of the kids art work. Not sure why, but this was really creative. Avery made this picture and used pencil sharpening shavings for the eyes and bow:

Annual fun run at school: