Monday, September 22, 2008

Hard At Work

People often think that Chris' job must be so much easier now that he works from home. Little do they realize how difficult the job can be:

Lengthy conference calls:

Arduous data entry:

The hassle of closing the deal:

The only minor benefit is that it seems to have taken years off of his looks.......hmmmm!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

New House Trinity

(At the insistent request of several of our out-of-town friends, I have finally managed to take pics of the new house, but I have to say it would look so much better if you guys would just come and visit us.)
We have finished painting a few of the rooms in the house. Here are some before and afters of what we have done. We are still missing window treatments, fans/lighting, and some artwork/pictures in most of the rooms, but we continue to look at it as a work in progress. Our bedroom is to be done somewhere in the distant future, and the family room is close to completion, if we'd just stop putting it off every weekend.

Kitchen before and after:

Living Room before and after:

Dining Room before and after:

This is the sports mural I painted on the wall in Miles' room. He still doesn't have big boy furniture for his room, but he is currently enjoying his fire engine bed and not quite ready to give it up. Maybe by his third birthday, he will be in a big bed: