Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March-ish Pictures

Indoor Rock Climbing:

Chris decided to make a fun outing for the family and suggested indoor rock climbing. Avery has a rock wall where she does gymnastics and even though it is much smaller than what we did, she really likes it. Both kids were very timid at first, but by the time we left, they were climbing walls like experts. Avery still would never go all the way up, but even halfway, she kept wanting to do it again and again. They both said it was the "best day ever"! We will try to get back at least once a month now that we know they enjoy it; good exercise too. 

Miles tried most of the adult walls, and his goal was to get higher than Chris on whatever they tried. He usually succeeded. 

Miles had a concert at school. It was called Suessical the Musical and they sang songs from Dr. Suess stories. 
Miles and some of his friends:

Miles and his best friend Preston and his little sister Emily, who is luckily enough exactly Avery's age.

Field day at Miles school. I volunteered in the gym, so I didn't get to see most of the activities, but Miles said his favorite was the hula hooping and when I asked if he was any good at it, I was in disbelief when he said yes. A trip to Toys R Us later confirmed he was correct when I asked him to show me with the hula hoops that were on display. He was actually able to do 3 at a time. I was wildly impressed considering neither Chris nor I can hula hoop at all.

Avery with her best friend Bristol from school. Some how she always manages to be good friends with a twin. Bristol's twin Liam is sitting behind her in the pic and is always good to tag along as the third wheel with the girls.

Uncle Bryan came to visit. The kids were thrilled......no need to say more!

 Miles has had straight A's all year so far and the school posts the straight A students every grading period in a frame in the hall by the front door to the school.

Rodeo is a huge deal here in TX. Even though we didn't make time to go this year, there are month long activities everywhere you look dedicated to this beloved event. Part of the rodeo is the caravan where different groups on horseback come from all over the state to participate and the mode of transportation to the downtown location is seen here actually making it's way down one of the major highways. Not everyday you see a horse drawn carriage heading down the road in the middle of the afternoon. Maybe next year we will brave the crowds and check it out........maybe.