Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday Update

After finding out that the doctor was well enough to be able to see us today, we packed up in the hopes that he would let us leave. He said even though the ear is a little swollen, that is normal after surgery. He took the drains out which was a bit dramatic....I mean traumatic for Miles and afterward we were allowed to go home. Yay!!

We have to go back next weekend to have the stitches removed and then the doctor will determine when we can come back for the next surgery. We assume it will be sometime in early October. I will post some pictures again once the drain hole bandages come off. But this one was taken yesterday.  It is a bit out of focus, but shows the ear 5 days after surgery. The additional skin you see at the front is what is left from his little ear, and what will become his earlobe in a future surgery. 

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