Sunday, October 1, 2017

Picture update 10/2017

It's been a really long time since I've updated pictures, not including the summer swim ones from the previous post, but these are the random ones I pulled from my phone. 

Celebrating our Anniversary

Wearing my wedding dress

Miles likes to have his hair colored. He's done red, but he prefers blond highlights. He had the end of school coming up and needed a touch up.

Graduation from 5th grade - awards ceremony:

Miles and his best friend:

5th grade teacher Ms. Landrum:

Avery with her awards at the class party:

Avery's teacher Ms. Coleman:

1st grade class:

Avery with our good friend Ms. Jennifer who works at Moore:

Breakfast at Season's Harvest:

Chris' job has "Bring Your Child to Work" day, once a year. For all the things HP isn't, they definitely do this one event really well. Basically it's a whole day of events planned out and the kids and parents move from one area to the next getting to play different games or participate in some sort of  activity. They get little goody bags, have lunch catered, get t-shirts and lanyards, see a movie, and have lots of fun. The kids love it:

Summer pool fun with friends:

Avery wanted her hair cut before school, which makes me so happy cause it looks very cute short but it is also easy for her to take care of:

 Avery at Open House night with her new teacher, Ms. Behren's:

Avery was playing with one of her games, a kind of balancing game with metal rods, when her creativity took over. She decided to make a "sculpture" and then wanted me to send it to Auntie Steff since she is an artist too. She got my phone, took a picture and then wanted a selfie to go along with it:

Fleet has a special day each summer where they do a ninja warrior course in the water. Avery and Miles both did it this year. 
Avery and Miles with 2 of the 3 triplets (friends from Fleet Swim team):

Avery wanted a Hermione outfit for her American Girl doll for her birthday:

More pool fun, trying to sneak in those last days before the water gets too cold. Although Texas refuses to cool off this year. We are still waiting for fall:

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