The papers are of yesterday afternoon, we are officially "Under Contract" on our house. We had a great offer, but unfortunately it came with a quick move-out date. We will be heading to Florida in two and a half weeks. I can't believe it took nine weeks to sell our home and now we get nineteen days to get out. The next couple of weeks are going to be a blur of packing supplies, phone calls and moments of panic, but at least we are on our way. As much as we are ready to go, it is going to be hard to say goodbye to the friends and places we have gotten so attached to in Colorado for the past ten years.
Colorado Springs will always hold a special place in our hearts for the many doors it has opened to us along our journey as a couple. I don't think that when we drove that little white VW Fox across the country ten years ago, we could have imagined our lives the way they are today and as I return to Florida, to live, for the first time in sixteen years I bring all those memories back home again to start life "anew". Without the events of this past year, our lives would have taken a very different turn. It continues to amaze me how quickly things can change and how fast time passes us by. We owe a lot to this little town we have called home for such a long time and Miles will forever be our precious keepsake from that special place we spent a decade of our lives together.