Anyone thinking that we are just about ready to chuck all the diapers, think again! This evening Miles went pee pee in the potty once and then a little while later, pee pee on the tile floor. Oh well. "Try, try again."
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Not There Yet!
Anyone thinking that we are just about ready to chuck all the diapers, think again! This evening Miles went pee pee in the potty once and then a little while later, pee pee on the tile floor. Oh well. "Try, try again."
Thursday, April 3, 2008
First Week At Daycare
I decided this was the week that I was going to get off of my lazy butt and go work out, so I joined the YMCA. Miles is going to take swim lessons there this summer, so I figured I would get a jump on the membership and take advantage of some of the workout classes. (BTW I am soooo sore!)
They have a great daycare service for people who have a family membership. As long as you are at the Y working out or participating in classes, your child can stay in the daycare play area until you come back to pick them up. I did a trial earlier this week to see if Miles could handle being separated from me. Assuming the worst I walked up to the door and told them I was trying an exercise class to see if my son would go in the play area. The lady no sooner opened the door to "the magical world of new toys" and Miles was hug, no kiss, no wave goodbye, not even a quick glance of acknowledgment. With a smidgen of abandonment sadness, me not him, I headed off to my class.
It is safe to assume that Miles loves going there. The first two days he crawled into the toy box and hid when I came to pick him up, because he didn't want to leave. Today he was coerced out of the play house and yelled "mommy" with a big smile. He came running over and was actually happy to see me, so I hope the novelty hasn't run out yet, because I was really looking forward to a summer of getting back in shape. They say he is a really well-behaved kid and doesn't hit or fight with any of the other children. One of the staff did ask me today if he knew sign language because he wasn't responding when she tried to sign to him. I told her that he hears normal with the aid and only has "selective" hearing. I said that we chose not to teach him sign and he probably thought she was just doing some sort of funky "itsy, bitsy, spider" game, but he probably thought she was just plain nuts!
On a side note:
Miles has been showing interest in the potty lately. We haven't pushed it because he just turned two. He uses the big potty all the time before his bath now, because he doesn't like to "go" in the water. These last two weeks, he has been using his little potty before bed. We usually leave him without a diaper at night for about a half hour before he gets his pj's on and leave his little potty out. He has gone in it a handful of times and is very, very excited about it. He got some new Thomas the Train stuff for doing such a good job.
Today he asked me about the tunnels and slides he sees in the other part of the room at daycare, that he is not allowed to use yet and I told him that those are for kids who are potty trained and don't wear diapers. We had a brief discussion about how big kids wear underwear and Miles still wears a diaper and that when he is a big kid who uses the potty all the time he could go in the tunnels too. We had only been home for a couple of hours when Miles looked at me and said "Uh-oh!" He then pulled down his shorts and took off his diaper. I asked him if it was wet/full and when I picked it up I noticed it wasn't warm (a sign that it was just recently used). I followed up by asking if he wanted to use the potty and he said yes. I went and got his little potty and he sat down and took care of business right away. We did the "yeah, potty dance" with daddy and then life returned to normal. As Chris says, "Dangle a big enough carrot and that kid will follow". I've never known a 2 year old that knows so much about what "he" wants. He is very exact and precise in all of his choices. Sometimes I don't understand why he chooses what he does, but that's not my job. As long as he knows why, that's all that matters.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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