Thursday, September 28, 2017

Summer Swim

These are in no particular order. The end of season pictures are mixed in with the beginning. 

The kids both participated in summer swim team this past summer. Avery did it the year before and we convinced Miles to try it this year. Avery swam for our neighborhood team last summer, but this year we went with friends and swam at another neighborhood. They were Champions Park Stars. It was a great team and lots of Avery's friends from her club team, Fleet, swam there as well. 

A lot of the pictures were taken between races. You set up your tent and blankets on the grass around the pool and melt in the Texas heat while you wait for the next race to be called. The kids amuse themselves with snacks and games and stay pretty cool going in and out of the water for their races. 

Outside of the heat, it's a great time. The kids really bond with friends, learn and fine tune different strokes and racing skills at the 5 day a week practices, and get great exercise starting right at the beginning of their summer. In fact the first meet is usually at the end of May, while school is not out yet, and it can be 50-60 degrees still at 7am and although it's short lived, it's quite chilly. They definitely warm up fast though.

Avery with one of her medals:

This is a funny picture. It was too hard to take the kids to 2 different age group practices 5 days a week, so Avery went to Miles' since she was the stronger swimmer. It was an age 10 and up practice so there were a lot of teenagers there. If you look closely you'll see tiny Avery in with all these huge teens. She never seemed intimidated and kept up really well. 

Miles actually won a medal (3rd place breast stroke) at the Championships meet. He stopped and picked it up on his way to soccer.