Thursday, March 1, 2007


We wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who came to Miles party on Saturday. He had such a good time and slept like a rock that night. He has so many toys and books now he doesn't know what to do first when he wakes up in the morning. Of course there are still some toys he has yet to figure out. He is really good at hitting us with everything, but hasn't managed to understand the hammers or bats for any of the games. I'm sure it won't be long before he gets what they really do. As for his car from Uncle James and Giana, he prefers to sit backwards and instead of driving it has decided it makes a better TV seat than a ride. He also loves to hide his empty bottles inside the seat bin for us to find later. Which makes them so pleasant to clean. We are still working on getting that bigger house to hold all of Miles new possessions. We've also discovered he now needs more closet space. He officially has more clothes than the both of us put together. It's a shame when your toddler is the best dressed one in the family. Oh, well!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

More Birthday Pictures

Checking out the balloons with Lisa.....

Waiting for cake....

Opening presents with Traci, Karen, Lily and Giana.....

Birthday night with the family.....

Too much excitement for one day.....

Monday, February 26, 2007

First Year Reflections

It has been just over a year now since the birth of our baby boy. Life has changed so much and we couldn't be happier. It has been a year full of joy, sorrow, laughter and tears. But most of all we have been given the greatest experience of our lives: to watch a life begin and grow.

People always tell us to cherish each moment because time goes by so fast, but each milestone has been better than the last so the quickened momentum hasn't been bad. Every inch of Miles' life represents a memory of this past year filled with a richness and sincerity we couldn’t duplicate if we tried. The love, support and generosity from our family and friends has been overwhelming. We never thought that this many people would want to be such a big part of his life. He really is being raised by a “village” and we couldn’t have asked for a greater gift for our son.

We are constantly reminded that children don’t come with instructions and as new parents we have learned so much. What once was a place of fear and uncertainty is now filled with unconditional love and happiness. We have weathered the diapers, the bottles, the midnight feedings, the bruises, the fevers and the horrible teething, and every second, of every minute, has all been worth it. We are repaid everyday with his smiles, his hugs and the most genuine giggle you could ever imagine. Seeing the world through his eyes is like seeing it for the first time. He takes delight in the smallest things and we cheer him on like a marathon runner nearing the end of a race. He has developed into his own little person, using his independence and determination as the foraging tools to find his strength in this first year.

However at the end of the day, when we put him to bed, it still melts our hearts to see those big brown eyes staring back at us with a sweet certainty that we have yet to understand. As we tuck him in and kiss him goodnight, his gaze permeates with a love that is as pure and innocent as anything we’ve ever felt…... I guess that is one of the many treasures hidden in parenthood that cannot be conveyed, only experienced.

We could not have hand picked a more precious addition to our family and are so relieved that we survived the first six months almost unscathed. We have adamantly agreed that the real joys of parenthood don’t truly begin until at least the seventh or eighth month, because the first sleep-deprived six you spend trying not to kill each other while you figure out that you won’t “break the baby”. On that note we want to congratulate ourselves and our mostly unbroken son on a brilliant first year and look forward to many more ahead.

Happy Birthday Big Guy! With much love – Mommy and Daddy

Studio 60

If you watch Studio 60 on NBC go to and sign the petition to save it. It is one of our favorite shows and it is on hiatus while the network decides whether or not to cancel it. We have a baby and are desperate for housebound entertainment. They can't start getting rid of our shows now or we'll end up having to talk to each other. Oh, the humanity.....