Today was Miles' first day of VPK (preschool). Even though he has been in Pre-K since he was 2 (see link here:
First Day of Preschool), this is the first year the state recognizes as actual preschool. They only regulate one year before kindergarten. So today Miles was "officially" in pre-k.
Last night, I set his alarm clock for 8am and showed him how to turn it off by himself. His instructions were to turn off the alarm and get dressed for school. Not knowing what would happen, we went to bed last night wondering if he would even be able to hear the alarm without his hearing aid. We woke up shortly before 8 this morning and at exactly 8, we heard the loud buzzing coming from his room. Chris looked at me and said "He's not going to turn it off!". Two seconds later, the alarm was off and we heard Miles door fling open. He came running into our room and said with a big smile on his face:
"Mommy, I heard the beeping and I turned it off....I've got my clothes!"
"Great job buddy, go get dressed."
"Okay!" and he bounced like Tigger back to his room.
Today was the "meet and greet", so the kids didn't stay for the whole day, just long enough to drop off their supplies and familiarize themselves with their teachers and classroom. Miles met his teachers, Ms. Julia and Ms. Crystal and then played with his friends while we showed his teachers how his hearing aid works.

Avery went along for the ride and made herself at home in the classroom with all the toys. She would have been just as happy to be left there to play. (She just wouldn't have listened very well.) It was hard to say which of my kids were more disappointed we had to leave. It's a shame they don't have pre-k for 11month olds.