Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

We went to the annual Hope Methodist pumpkin patch sale this past week. Last year Avery was only a few weeks old at this time and this year she finally got to enjoy it. See link HERE. Miles had to pick a small pumpkin for school before the end of the week so we headed over to pick one out. Avery really enjoyed running through all the pumpkins and jumping on the wooden palettes. It was hard to get her to leave. Miles would have bought every single pumpkin there for the "house". We resisted buying more than one small one for each kid and decided to hold off on the big one until closer to Halloween. Here are some pics of the kids:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Outside Play

The weather has been really beautiful lately, especially in the evenings. We spent some time outside yesterday, before dinner, playing with the kids.