Thursday, November 3, 2011

Miles School Pic Fall 2011

Miles school picture from Kindergarten
at Trinity Oaks Elementary School

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Cash!

With love, Auntie Christine, Uncle Chris, Miles and Avery

Halloween Party

The Friday before Halloween there was a party at a local park, given by some friends of ours. I had to work for an hour that evening, but Chris and Nana managed to get the kids dressed and get them to the party for some outdoor fun. They had snacks, crafts, games and playground time. I'll let you guess by the pictures what part they liked the most.

Tyler and Bryce had lots of playground fun too!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Debacle

Every year we go to the pumpkin patch by our house and take
pictures of the kids.........usually with great success: - (click this link and then scroll down through the current post)

This year time flew by and when I actually remembered we hadn't taken the annual pictures yet, a neighbor came along and told me the pumpkin patch was not in good shape this year. I drove by on my way to work one day and had to agree. Almost all of the pumpkins "front porch size" were rotten and the patch looked disheveled and well picked over. I was able to find two little ones for the kids, because it was hosted by a church and I felt bad going there and not buying anything, but in the end our carved pumpkins this year came from Walmart.

Anyway I have been feeling guilty lately that I didn't take the kids pictures at the patch so this weekend I stopped by briefly while running errands to take a few pictures. The patch looked
even worse than it did a few days before and I was shocked they were still trying to sell these sad looking pumpkins. Well I only had a few minutes and right on cue as is the experience with every rushed situation, my children were horrible. Now I don't know if it is acceptable to yell at your children at a church function, but I will just assume from all the glaring onlookers, that it probably wasn't appropriate there.

Everyone will probably remember this post:
.........this was way worse.

All I have to say is thank goodness for photoshop, because not a single picture was usable. After cutting and pasting some heads, and editing out the rotten spots on the pumpkins (even though I couldn't fix the rotting shapes), I got a pretty decent, albeit unrealistic picture of my children at the patch. I am banking on the fact that my children won't remember the actual event and will just look at the picture sometime in the future and "think" they had a good time!!

Don't they look soooo happy and well-behaved? :)

Avery Table Dance

This is what happens when Daddy babysits!