Here's another little diddy:
When I moved into my first real apartment in NY, my mom bought me a vacuum. Cleaning was not my forte back then, but for some reason I asked for a one. It was an inexpensive Eureka model that was sufficient for the amount of time it was actually used. When we finally made the move across country, it was one of the few worldly possessions we packed into our VW and brought with us. Eventually I figured we were well off enough to upgrade to a nicer model. So I invested in one of those fancy brands with all the attachments that should probably run itself for the price. Well within a year it was broken and I returned to using old faithful. Over the next few years I tested its loyalty to me by parading other eyeful, more adorned progenies around it, all with the same competence as their predecessors. I always managed to come back to my reliable old Eureka and to this day she's the one and only and still going strong. Well the time had finally come for Miles and my "Boss" to meet and let me just say it was not pretty. There were definitely lots of tears and some screaming, but just having an infant made their meetings infrequent. The suggestion was made to introduce Miles to Eureka and without the threatening noise, let them get acquainted. I was there to document the confrontation:
It started out with hesitation, but then a moment of success -

Followed by a much bigger moment of disappointment -

Oh, well maybe next time. At least it's not the hair dryer!