Thursday, July 25, 2013


Congrats to the McHugh Family on the birth of 
Cannon David McHugh:  7/17/13. Our love to you all!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Happy 50th Birthday Auntie Steff
Love, Miles, Avery, Chris and Christine

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Two Week Post-op

It will be two weeks on Thursday since the surgery and Miles' ear has been healing well. He seems to be retaining a little fluid in the rib area but the doctor said that is normal as long as it isn't getting bigger. On Sunday we head back out to San Antonio to meet with Dr. Bonilla again. He was nice enough to agree to see us on a Sunday (still can't say enough great things about him). We have a follow up for stitches removal and I will ask him to look at that area then to make sure it is okay. Miles finally gets to take a bath today, first time since before surgery, which is what I am looking forward to most:)