Saturday, March 12, 2011

Big Too Soon!

I'm very sad watching my youngest child grow up. It's not that I am sad to see her get older, but being the second child, she is doing it so much faster than her brother. Avery learned to climb out of her crib a couple of days ago. I struggled with this considering we never had to go through this with Miles at this age, and she seemed too young for a toddler bed.

I started by moving her into her portable crib which had higher sides, but that lasted for one day and then she was out of that too. So I started researching crib tents which are covers that go over the top of the crib that prevent toddlers from climbing out, but after finding the high price that came with that solution, I changed my mind and decided to brainstorm other ideas.

I finally took the side rail off of her crib which made it into a toddler bed and then got a fold down safety rail for the side which allows her to get in and out through a small opening toward the end, but prevents her from falling out when she sleeps. She spent the first two days taking her nap on the floor (her choice), and falling asleep at night outside the bed as well, but I ended up going in after she was asleep and moving her back in the bed. She did stay in the bed all night, but we "baby" proofed her room just in case.

Tonight is her second night with her "big girl" bed. I brought her in, laid her down and she went to sleep. No climbing out, or crying, or wandering around playing in her room. Now I'm sad, because outside of still being bald, my little baby is official not a baby anymore:( I did give her the binkie back though. I think one change at a time is enough and I wasn't going to battle both. Although Chris did say that at one point today while I was at work, he found her sitting in her bed, trying to hide that she had found her binkie and was proceeding to use it (she's not allowed to have them out of bed). We will tackle that challenge in a few weeks after the kinks are all out of this project.....after that Potty Training!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Busch Gardens

This weekend at Busch Gardens:

Avery is 18 Months Old

Avery was a year and a half on the 9th and she celebrated by dislocating her elbow (nursemaid's elbow)......Yay!
It was a simple fix at the pediatricians office and then she had a good day.

Right now Avery is sound asleep in her bed for her afternoon nap, without her binkie!!! I had told her a couple of months ago that when she was 1 and a half, she had to nap without it and since yesterday's incident happened before nap time, I didn't want to make it a harder day by making her give up her pacifier too. So we waited until today and even though she wandered around her crib for 20 minutes saying "binkie" while digging through all the stuffed animals, she did eventually fall asleep. I think it was harder for me to listen to her look for it and wonder if she was ever going to be able to fall asleep than it actually was for her.

I am so proud of her for being such a big girl. Now that we have crossed that hurdle the question is "do i let her have it back at night?". She did so well, I'm afraid to confuse her, but I also don't want her waking up at night and screwing up our sleep schedules over the binkie. I guess we'll just wait and see!

I didn't have any pictures of her from yesterday, but we did go to Busch Gardens over the weekend and I have a cute video of her cuddling up with Zoe from Sesame Street for what was supposed to be a picture until I realized my camera was still on video. She was very cute walking up on the stage and snuggling right in on Zoe's lap. I'm glad she's not afraid of characters yet.

This is a video from one of the rides in the kiddie area. Miles and Chris went off to do some older kids' stuff:

Happy 18 Months, baby girl! We love you:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just For Reference

I keep talking about how crowded Disney was and how empty Epcot was in the same week. It really was bizarre! Here are two pics I took on my phone to document the unusual activity:)

Wednesday - Body to body at Disney

Thursday - Nobody at Epcot

Birthday Visit with Family

Pictures from Chris' family's visit for Miles' birthday. (These are not in order):

Cake time:

Opening presents:

Avery gets presents too, of course: