Twas the week before Christmas and all through my head, the "To-Do" list was swirling while kids napped in bed.
The gifts were all piled up high by the tree, but they're destined for elsewhere as none were for me.
I kept dreading the trip to the post office annex. The lines were so long I sucked down a Xanax.
The tree was all done and so was the shopping, for cookies and candies, the nuts I'm still chopping.
I think I had logged a good seven or eight, hours in front of the stove for my fate.
Just one more batch I'd bake for the year and the ones I had tasted, I'd work off my rear.
Another "To-Do", of course, get to the gym. How crazy, at Christmas, to try to be slim?
But that's what we do the same time each year, get poor, get fat and spread lots of cheer.
So until all the malls decide to shut down and the gift of some cookies turns up a frown,
I'll repeat these traditions again and again, once I get started the fun never ends!!
And as for the jolly, old man with the toys, who makes up his list of the good girls and boys,
He'll be bringing the toys that he finds marked on sale. This is one Christmas elf who can't pay retail.
On Wal-Mart, on Target, on Black Friday finds, looking for bargains we could lose our minds.
To the top of my budget, the top of my dollar, if I spend one more dime my husband will holler.
I'll spring to my feet at the sight of next year and credit card statements, I'll soon start to fear,
But as Christmas approaches and all turns out right, I'll make up for it all as I sleep through the night.
Merry Christmas to all and To-Do lists be light!!