Florida Pictures - These were all taken with the cell phone because we didn't bring a camera on this trip. We will post more when we get some from Nana and Auntie Steff.

On Nana's porch....keeping cool

Hamming it up!

At Busch Gardens

Getting the easy ride around the park

Playing in the sand
We are finally back in Colorado Springs. Thank you to everyone for your support, thoughts and prayers. It was a very long and difficult time away, luckily Miles was there to keep everyone's spirits up. He has a wonderful way of bringing joy to those in need, and an even bigger way of driving me crazy. In the month we were down in Florida, Miles had his first trip to Busch Gardens, the beach, in the ocean, in a big pool, twice on a plane, being at Nana's, and most unfortunately he learned to climb on furniture. He now gets himself up onto an couch or chair without assistance and then when he's not standing up jumping, sits proud and tall for all to admire. I would have been insane to think this was only a phase, and luckily this great new habit followed us back to Colorado. I can't wait for all the broken bones to start. I'm sure one of the local ER's will eventually know us by face and name.
Miles' has had so many new experiences lately and it has been a lot of fun to share them with him. He doesn't seem to mind change anymore and he adjusts really well. This is a good quality for him to have considering how much he will have to go through as a child. Everyone always tells us kids are very resilient, but until you see your own child react that way, it is hard to believe. We were so lucky. Miles did absolutely great on this trip and makes us less afraid to take more with him. Thank goodness for Children's Benadryl.