St. Thomas Aquinas, one of Miles' preschools, had their Christmas pageant this morning. Miles' class had the girls dressing up as stars and the boys as manger animals (wishing Miles was a girl for this one). The fabric store had cow fabric on sale, so Miles was a cow. He looks out of place in the pictures, but there really were other animals/cows there. Much like the Thanksgiving Prayer Service, he didn't sing a lot, but seemed to have a lot of fun smiling and waving at us in the audience.

Getting lined up to go in

Spotted Daddy taking pictures

All of the pre-k classes
Miles as a cow:

All done and heading back to class. From here, we picked him up, got him changed and raced over to the other school for PJ day with cookies and hot cocoa. They also had the gift exchange and were watching Polar Express, Miles' favorite xmas movie. This time of the year is so busy now that we have kids. I find myself always feeling like I am forgetting to do something, bring something, buy something etc. The other morning Miles was late for school because I forgot to decorate his ornament with him the night before and with 5 minutes to get to school, I was sprinkling glitter on it and applying stickers......oh well. Hopefully my kids will miss out on my tardy/forgetful gene!!!