Even though, we haven't reached any major hitches yet, in project: "Sell Our House & Move To Denver", all the little things add up. When you live thousands of miles from family, depending on your friends takes on new meaning. I awoke last night about 3am and couldn't get back to sleep for about two hours. My OCD is no secret and well last night was a prime example. With the open house coming up this weekend, I ran scenarios over and over in my head of what to do with our child from 12 to 3 on Saturday and Sunday. I thought of just leaving him here, but nothing deters people from buying a house than having to tip-toe through it because of a sleeping baby. Granted he can't hear that well and would probably sleep through it, it is just one of many obstacles that should probably be worked out before Sat. I thought about sending him by friends with Chris, but I am not sure I am that comfortable being alone in the house with strangers, nor do I think Chris will pay much attention to him with the NCAA tourney on this weekend. So over and over I played the tune "What to do" in my head for hours. I guess I wore myself out cause I awoke several hours later not remembering falling asleep, and of course with no solution.
Today I painted. Finding every little scuff and mark on every wall has left me covered in paint and a little high and nauseous I might add. Miles enjoyed seeing me run the brush across the walls, not quite understanding the concept, but finding it a fun game nonetheless. He ran his fingers back and forth below where I would paint, imitating me for a few minutes at a time. I considered giving him a brush, but none were clean enough to end up in his mouth. I disappeared into the laundry room to finish painting and when I returned my son had white paint on his cheeks and nose and all over his little fingers. Apparently he was tall enough to reach the fresh paint that I thought was safely out of reach. I would have taken pictures, but I wanted to get him clean before he tried to taste it. Getting his face wiped is one of his least favorite things, so he was less than cooperative anyway.
Miles is finally napping and I am taking a quick rest to eat lunch, write this post, and put my mentally disorganized mind back in order. On that note, I probably shouldn't be alone during the open houses for fear that I might fall asleep at my kitchen table due to exhaustion. I'm not quite sure why anyone ever decided that we should outgrow naps. I think as adults we need them even more. It might ultimately be the solution to world peace. Luckily I am somewhat consoled by the gorgeous weather outside. I have all the windows open and a warm spring breeze is blowing through the house. If I close my eyes, imaging a pool and a daiquiri, I am reminded of the cruise we took, a million years ago, when we were young and much more rested. It will be in the high 60's and 70's all week. Perfect weather to be stuck inside painting and cleaning. Oh, the good old days!