Almost healed:
Olde Town Spring in Texas. Great day:
Went school shopping with Avery. She picked this as her favorite outfit from the trip:
Even though we got the skin graft to heal the hole under the ear would not close up. This will hopefully be the final reconstructive surgery pics I post:
In recovery. This one was a piece of cake. Went home from San Antonio straight after. Miles did awesome!!
Two weeks later was the Microtia picnic in San Antonio. We tied this in to Miles follow up with Dr. Bonilla since he was there. Of course Miles found the one video game pad there and became the center of attention. It was nice to share with families our experience with surgeries and Dr. Bonilla. He is amazing and it was great to be there to support him and show his incredible work to others considering this journey:
Miles' first short haircut with TWO NEW EARS!! Getting ready for the first day of third grade:
First day of 3rd grade:
In class saying goodbye to Avery who doesn't start her last year of pre-k until September 2nd. Looks like it's just her and I for another week. Going to miss big brother:
Fourth of July neighborhood parade and celebration:
Kids checking out the firetruck:
Seeing Dr. Bonilla for follow-up. Miles wrote a thank you card for him and he wanted to read it while we were there:
After lift stage on last side. Still very swollen, but healing good:
About a week later the medpor became exposed. But Dr. Dad did a great job of treating it:
Avery's first real haircut:
At breakfast:
Exposure trying to heal:
The small hole under the ear that opened for the second time this year. It would eventually bring us back for one more surgery, but still tried to get it to close:
Proof that they are nice to each other. Morning snuggle time:
Still trying to close the exposure:
Miles' last day of school:
Awards ceremony - Straight A's all year!!
Morning of last day of school:
Celebrating before last surgery in the pool:
Avery's dance recital:
Avery dislocated her elbow (nursemaid's elbow) at the gym where I work. One of the girls playing with her pulled to hard on her arm and it dislocated like it used to when she was little. Thought she had outgrown it, but guess we needed one more just for kicks!! She is wearing a make-shift split my manager put together for her to get over to the pediatrician to have it put back in:
Elbow is all better on the ride home:
Broadway touring company of little mermaid came to Houston, so I thought this would be a good intro for Avery to musical theater. It was a little long, but she really did enjoy the experience. After the show we went down to see the stage:
Walking back to the car we just happen to walk past the theater stage exit and saw a crowd. We stopped by just to see what they were waiting for. A bunch of little girls with playbills in hand were waiting to meet Ariel. We hopped in line like it was all planned, just in time to see her come out the door. She was so gracious. Avery got a picture and an autograph and then I had to explain what just happened on the ride home :)
Celebrating what we thought would be Miles' final surgery, we went to Sea World in San Antonio the day before. Even though it turned out he needed one more, the kids had a great time and so did we. (It was very, very hot!!):
Enjoying the spray park before we left:
In recovery after the last stage of reconstruction:
Visiting our favorite restaurant - Mellow Mushroom
Avery's last day of school 5/2013: