Avery is getting so big. She is almost a year old and I can't believe how fast the year has gone. She has eight teeth and still no hair. Out of all my friends with kids, I always seem to have the bald ones. I was hoping to put a little bow in for her first birthday, but it looks like she will just have to wear another headband.
Although Avery has been quite the challenge, she is a lot of fun and has a great little personality. There are so many differences between her and Miles. She loves music and dancing. She already likes to pick up a crayon and draw. (I still can't get Miles to draw.) She barely naps and has had a painful time with her teeth coming in. She is the best eater....EVER! She will eat anything from green beans to yogurt to meat and everything in between. I can give her whole foods at this age and she does a great job. I think I had to cut Miles food up until he was 2 and he gagged on most things he ate. I hope she stays this way. Having one easy kid to feed would be a blessing.
She has started to talk a little. She says: bye-bye, hi, night-night (nye-nye), dada, mama and more. She tries to bark like a dog, quack like a duck and says "vroom" when she drives a toy car. She plays with a toy that sings the ABC's and she sings along but says "ba" for every letter. She points at what she wants and screams loudly when she doesn't get it. She loves to clap and drum. She has a great sense of humor even though it is very dry. She laughs a lot.....mostly at Miles, but he takes the brunt of her yelling too (usually well deserved).

She is strong and active, already walking like a pro and climbing up onto all the furniture. There isn't much she can't do independently, but she is still a mama's girl. I love all the hugs and cuddles, but do wish the apron strings were a little longer from time to time. I know this is our last baby so I'm not trying to rush it and I find myself appreciating each milestone more than I did the first time. I imagine the little lady she will become, but want to embrace the last moments I spend with her as a baby.....(sniff, sniff).
Happy 11 month birthday baby girl!