Friday, December 24, 2010

Wishing for a wonderful holiday season to all of our family and friends!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Pictures 101

Anyone who thinks it's easy to take a Christmas picture of children, obviously doesn't have any. With only two weeks left until Christmas, I decided to get my cards ordered, but of course I had to take the picture first. My children and I only had patience for about thirty pictures, which requires a lot of yelling on my part, but we managed to get three that had potential and that was like winning the lottery of picture taking for me. Here are some of the lovely options that didn't make the cut and a few examples of why I have so many gray hairs.

Almost there, but not quite:

Miles only job was to sit still and smile. At almost five you'd think that would be an easy task:

I think this one is obvious:

I have about a dozen or so of Avery making this exact face:

Not quite sure what was going on here:

Now she's just flat out yelling at me:

Okay, it was safe to say we were done trying after this one:

These are the few that made it.

After editing them, this one was the card winner:

This one didn't make the cut, but Avery looks so cute with her little toes crossed, I had to post it:)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana

Have a great day! Hope you enjoy the cold the kids got you. They worked very hard touching highly germy surfaces and then inappropriately rubbing their faces to manifest them into the best cold they could make..........enjoy! Hope you feel better soon:)