Saturday, July 6, 2013

Recent Pics

How we slept the first week we were here:

Avery dress up time:

Avery's first time with french braids:

The one pic I took on my phone at the Space Center:

Kids' RE group at our new church:

Fourth of July, Panera for breakfast:

Big gun meat smoker on the way to Dallas (only in Texas!!):

Catching Up

Well it's been almost 2 months since my last post. A lot has happened in those two months. We sold our home in Florida and now live in Houston, Texas, due to Chris' job relocation. The whole selling and buying the new house was a complete nightmare and we barely survived, but due to some post traumatic stress disorder, I am choosing not to discuss it......hopefully ever again :) Houston is very hot, but not nearly as humid as Florida. They still have bug issues here, but not really in the house just outside, especially the mosquitoes. The people are extremely nice and polite here as long as you don't count how they drive. We have used our few weekends to explore a little bit. We have seen downtown, the Woodlands,  the Space Center, checked out a few of the local restaurants and stores and explored some of the churches we were interested in. We still have a lot to see, and it is fun having a new place to explore.

Chris is still working for Hewlett Packard and I have started at a new gym out here called Cypress Academy. Our job transitions were pretty stressful too as I now take both the kids to work with me three days a week for an hour until Chris can get off and pick them up. Luckily, the gym I work for is very family friendly and there are other coaches' kids there as well. Chris had to make the transition from working at home full-time to working in an office four half days a week and with my summer schedule he is getting up pretty early to get in his required office time. Things will smooth out when I return to the fall schedule in August.

We have been our new house a little over a month. We still have a lot to do, but it is starting to feel like home. The kids are adjusting really well to the stairs finally (they still make me nervous) and they love the pool. The first few nights in the house we all slept in the same room together on air mattresses, for reason all part of the previously stated "nightmare" I still will not address, but when our furniture finally arrived, they were a little anxious to be alone in their rooms. Everyone is all good now and finally sleeping through the night, well at least the kids are. School starts in the middle of August, so bedtimes will need to be adjusted soon. I think they are actually excited to get back at it. Miles talks about how much he misses being at his school and how he can't wait to be in second grade. Avery will just be happy to be where there are new toys and other little girls to play with. She talks about her friends from her Florida preschool often and I feel bad there aren't any kids her age on our street to play with. She is also very ready to go back to school.

I will try to post some pictures of the house when we have it all finished and I have time to get our photos off the camera from the Space Center in Houston for Chris' bday. Until then I will pull some recent pics of the kids off my phone for a short update.