Saturday, October 14, 2017

First day of school 2017

I have not added anything to the blog in a long time. I wanted to post some of the photos overloaded on my phone, so I added this post and 3 others to try and catch up. 

Due to hurricane Harvey, the kids started school several weeks late. Miles is no longer at the elementary school. He has moved to Hamilton Middle and is in 6th grade. Avery is still at Moore and is in 2nd grade. 

Our elementary got flooded, suffering significant damage and is now being refinished in a project that will take almost a year. Avery and all the other Moore students have been moved to an elementary school just a few minutes farther away. 

The empty school had recently been vacated after they built a brand new school to replace it and a speciality high school program was supposed to take over the facility. Instead that has all been postponed for a year while Moore is being rebuilt and the school is being used by the Moore students. 

The teachers and the community really came together after the flood to get everything ready as quickly as possible and to provide supplies and everything for all the students. People and organizations from all over the country were donating to help get the school open and get the students back to class. It was truly amazing. In the end they had so many donated books and supplies, they were able to give the extras away to other less fortunate schools. 

Avery - 2nd grade and Miles - 6th grade:

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