This outfit was bought while I was pregnant with Miles. We assumed we would bring him home from the hospital in it when he was born. Little did we know how small newborns were......live and learn. Anyway, today was an extremely cold day for Florida and with a bunch of errands to run, I bundled the kids up. Since Avery is a Florida baby, I haven't had the occasion to buy her a lot of cold weather clothes. I dug out Miles "save" box and found this outfit. As luck would have it, it just fit. After I got them ready her cuteness deserved a picture and after I downloaded them onto the computer, I looked for the one I took of Miles three and a half years earlier. They both fit into the outfit at four months old, but despite that similarity, they have few others. Chris and I don't really think they look very much alike, even though more and more people tell us how much they look like each other.

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