For all those who don't know yet we are expecting baby #2 early this fall. We will be finding out in a few weeks whether it is a boy or a girl and everything seems to be going great (for the baby) so far. Miles is very excited to be a big brother and asks almost everyday if the baby is "big yet". He also changes what we are having (boy/girl) from week to week depending on his mood. But the typical three year old questions are now a daily occurrence and are helping keep us amused. He is very found of telling "everybody" there is a baby in mommy's tummy, which is just too cute!
Congrats again. I am hoping for a girl....but I am biased.
Congrats! I know it is such an exciting time for you. I hope the pregnancy is going well. It will be funny the first time he feels the baby kick in your tummy!
Much love,
Congratulations! That is wonderful news - we are so excited for you guys - please keep us posted!!!
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