Friday, August 1, 2008

More House Pics

Here are the rest of the pics, from our Realtors website, of our new house. I am in the process of painting many of the rooms, so it will look a little bit different in the coming weeks. Anyone who has seen the house we are currently renting will be able to tell, it is the exact same house. It is a 4/3/3. Some of the rooms look a little distorted in these pics, but it gives a general idea of what the house is like inside. Eventually we will add a pool after Miles is done with all of his surgeries. I have spent the last couple of days cleaning out the garage, which contained all of the previous owners "trash". The house was mostly empty, but there were a few boxes of junk to go through out there. Today a cleaning service is coming to disinfect everything. So I am heading back over there now to let them in.

Backyard - previous owner had 2 big dogs, we have a lot of work here!

Side yard

Dining room/entry


Master bath

Living room

Master bedroom

Family room

1 comment:

Becky said...

Very nice! The colors remind me of moving onto Cabriolet Dr!