Since Miles had his very first haircut, I have been the one cutting his hair. At first I made the valiant effort and gave him the works with cutting and trimming, but as he has gotten older and more impossible, I have resorted to just shaving his head while he screams "NO, NO" and covers his head with his hands.
Up at our local shopping center there is this unusual little salon, run by an outspoken Greek lady. I noticed it because of the cute little car chairs for the kids to sit in, but avoided it because she charged $15 for a kid's haircut. After sending one of my neighbor's kids up there and hearing rave reviews, we thought we'd give it a try.
The stylist was like one of the crazy relatives in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." She actually used the line: "I'm loud.....because I'm Greek!" Miles got up in the chair, she covered him up with the cape and went to work. She trimmed, she buzzed, she gelled, she sang, she told stories. In no time, Miles was cleaned up and on his way lollipop in hand, no crying, no yelling and at one point I looked around like I had misplaced "my" kid. Luckily, I had the camera in the car for our picnic today and I decided to snap a few shots:
Up at our local shopping center there is this unusual little salon, run by an outspoken Greek lady. I noticed it because of the cute little car chairs for the kids to sit in, but avoided it because she charged $15 for a kid's haircut. After sending one of my neighbor's kids up there and hearing rave reviews, we thought we'd give it a try.
The stylist was like one of the crazy relatives in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." She actually used the line: "I'm loud.....because I'm Greek!" Miles got up in the chair, she covered him up with the cape and went to work. She trimmed, she buzzed, she gelled, she sang, she told stories. In no time, Miles was cleaned up and on his way lollipop in hand, no crying, no yelling and at one point I looked around like I had misplaced "my" kid. Luckily, I had the camera in the car for our picnic today and I decided to snap a few shots:

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