Miles' second birthday was a great success for him and partly for us, disasters aside, as will be seen by the oodles upon oodles of you who received our Snapfish email containing 90 photos......sorry about that guys! If we forgot to send it to you please let us know, and we will gladly forward all 90 pictures for your viewing pleasure.
When we awoke this morning it was slightly overcast with a 40% chance of rain. About 2 hours before Miles' party, it was pouring with intermittent lightening and thunder, Yeah! About 50 minutes before his party, I was scrambling to find him a cake because the bakery shop that I had special ordered his car shaped cake from said that they "forgot" to make it. Of course without calling us and then telling my mom it wasn't quite ready when she came to pick it up, which was an obvious understatement considering it was still in the form of packaged ingredients somewhere. Anyway after the cake drama and a quick rescue by a local supermarket all seemed well as the guests quickly arrived.
I had mentioned in a previous post that Miles has made friends with the kids on our street. There are about 8-10 of them and they all dote on him because they are boys and girls between 3 and 10 years older than him and he is the "baby". Well between the parent street chat sessions I had thrown out the idea of having the kids stop by and sing Happy Birthday and have cake with Miles on Saturday and they all pleasantly showed up. Three of the families got together and got him a scooter (pictured below), which was an enormous hit, because they all spend time riding scooters and Miles wants to be part of the gang too.....granted his has 3 wheels and theirs all have 2, but it's a start. He was so happy to be out motoring around finally, on his very own scooter, and if it isn't obvious, the rain finally stopped and the sky eventually cleared up just in time for play.
Miles got lots of clothes and books and of course more toys. He did eat a little ice cream and cake, but in general wasn't interested in the food as usual. His favorite activity was getting the kids to play in his room around his new fire engine bed, which they gladly did. We played a few games for the older kids and gave out some prizes, but then as is customary, they took to the streets and played outside for a few hours.
He had such a good time, and over stimulation was in full effect by this evening, but a short hour nap cured that and he is back in full force, checking out the toys. He has already played his drums for a while and is busy tackling a Diego Adventure set at the moment, with no signs of throwing in the towel, but that is the whole idea behind a kid's party day, I guess!
For those of you lucky enough to have checked out all 90 photos already, these are just repeats, but for all the rest, here is a sneak peek of your Snapfish email to come:
When we awoke this morning it was slightly overcast with a 40% chance of rain. About 2 hours before Miles' party, it was pouring with intermittent lightening and thunder, Yeah! About 50 minutes before his party, I was scrambling to find him a cake because the bakery shop that I had special ordered his car shaped cake from said that they "forgot" to make it. Of course without calling us and then telling my mom it wasn't quite ready when she came to pick it up, which was an obvious understatement considering it was still in the form of packaged ingredients somewhere. Anyway after the cake drama and a quick rescue by a local supermarket all seemed well as the guests quickly arrived.
I had mentioned in a previous post that Miles has made friends with the kids on our street. There are about 8-10 of them and they all dote on him because they are boys and girls between 3 and 10 years older than him and he is the "baby". Well between the parent street chat sessions I had thrown out the idea of having the kids stop by and sing Happy Birthday and have cake with Miles on Saturday and they all pleasantly showed up. Three of the families got together and got him a scooter (pictured below), which was an enormous hit, because they all spend time riding scooters and Miles wants to be part of the gang too.....granted his has 3 wheels and theirs all have 2, but it's a start. He was so happy to be out motoring around finally, on his very own scooter, and if it isn't obvious, the rain finally stopped and the sky eventually cleared up just in time for play.
Miles got lots of clothes and books and of course more toys. He did eat a little ice cream and cake, but in general wasn't interested in the food as usual. His favorite activity was getting the kids to play in his room around his new fire engine bed, which they gladly did. We played a few games for the older kids and gave out some prizes, but then as is customary, they took to the streets and played outside for a few hours.
He had such a good time, and over stimulation was in full effect by this evening, but a short hour nap cured that and he is back in full force, checking out the toys. He has already played his drums for a while and is busy tackling a Diego Adventure set at the moment, with no signs of throwing in the towel, but that is the whole idea behind a kid's party day, I guess!
For those of you lucky enough to have checked out all 90 photos already, these are just repeats, but for all the rest, here is a sneak peek of your Snapfish email to come:

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