Friday, December 24, 2010

Wishing for a wonderful holiday season to all of our family and friends!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Pictures 101

Anyone who thinks it's easy to take a Christmas picture of children, obviously doesn't have any. With only two weeks left until Christmas, I decided to get my cards ordered, but of course I had to take the picture first. My children and I only had patience for about thirty pictures, which requires a lot of yelling on my part, but we managed to get three that had potential and that was like winning the lottery of picture taking for me. Here are some of the lovely options that didn't make the cut and a few examples of why I have so many gray hairs.

Almost there, but not quite:

Miles only job was to sit still and smile. At almost five you'd think that would be an easy task:

I think this one is obvious:

I have about a dozen or so of Avery making this exact face:

Not quite sure what was going on here:

Now she's just flat out yelling at me:

Okay, it was safe to say we were done trying after this one:

These are the few that made it.

After editing them, this one was the card winner:

This one didn't make the cut, but Avery looks so cute with her little toes crossed, I had to post it:)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana

Have a great day! Hope you enjoy the cold the kids got you. They worked very hard touching highly germy surfaces and then inappropriately rubbing their faces to manifest them into the best cold they could make..........enjoy! Hope you feel better soon:)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One of many......Cookies With Santa

We live right across the street from a beautiful, non-denominational, Christian church. Our friends are members there and invited us to Cookies with Santa. It was a big event that you had to register for. They showed a movie with popcorn, had crafts and games, and of course the big man in the red suit, who has petrified Avery to no end this year. The kids had a great time (except for a brief Santa encounter) and we ended the night with some fun frosting and cookie eating.

Avery and her friend Samara

Miles playing foosball, with some random, very patient lady

Miles and his buddy Trajan

Daddy had to work so he didn't make it until after Santa

Girls making crafts with stickers

Hanging out

Boys spreading on the frosting

Girls eating frosting straight off the spoon

This was Avery's favorite part:

All the kids together

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Does Avery Do While Miles Is In School?

Let's find out:

She dances:
She plays outside:

She plays in Daddy's office:

She drinks milk by the tree:

She plays with her brother's toys: (don't tell Miles)

She does get in a LOT of trouble, but she's so dang cute!!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

New Video

I finally got a new camera. Our digital SLR is great, but it is a really big camera and obviously does not fit in your pocket. We hit a good deal on a Black Friday deal and purchased a Nikon Coolpix. It's not perfect, but I love it so far. Here is a little video I shot of Avery in the bath:

Sunday, November 28, 2010

October Visitors

This is a post that should have gone up a long time ago, but this is as soon as I could get to it. Chris' Godmother and her sister came to visit with us as they have for the last few years. It is always nice to look forward to their annual trip to Florida. Here are a few pics from their time with us and the kids:

Avery gives hugs:

Miles havin' fun:

Chris' Godmother, Tante' Margie:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Have a great holiday. Love to all - the Antonios

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

14 Months

Avery is 14 months now and the time is just flying by. Here are a few pics from our morning together while Miles was at school.

Getting tickled by mommy:

Coming in for a ducky cuddle:

Jumping in the box:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baby News

Congratulations to my beautiful sister Kristina and her wonderful husband Bryan on the birth of their baby boy, Cash Bryson McHugh, born November 2, 2010 at 9:08(ish). He is adorable, amazing and tiny - 7lbs. 4oz. 19.5 inches. We are so proud of them!

(Look at my cute nephew. Isn't he is just the most beautiful baby ever?!!)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Never Ending Halloween

This has been the longest most drawn out Halloween EVER!!! We had so much going on in the month of October all in the name of candy and costumes that I have never wanted the actual day to come and go so fast just to be able to move on with my life. I think it is safe to say the kids had a great time and made very good use of their costumes. Miles was a Power Ranger (he's never seen the show, so not quite sure how he came up with the insistence for this one) and Avery was a Lady Bug who wouldn't wear her hat/bug ears. These are not uploaded in chronological order, in fact they are mostly backwards, but it's the general gist of our really long escapade Trick or Treating this year.......glad that's over!!!!

Trick or Treating at the mall to meet Darth Vader and Princess Leia:

Trick or Treating in our neighborhood with all the kids:

Girl on a mission:

Checkin' out all the goodies:

Parade of costumes at Miles' preschool:

Miles' class and teachers:

All the pre-k classes together:

Mom's club Halloween party:

Big cup filled with Cheez-Its kept her busy for a while:

Guppyween at the Florida Aquarium: